Occuloplasty Services 

Oculoplasty is the art and science of plastic surgery around the eye. The eyeball is a delicate structure, protected from harm by eyelids in front and the bony cup (socket) behind. Behind the eyeball run the nerves , arteries and muscles, which carry messages to the brain, move the eyeball, and provide nutrition to the eye. Oculoplasty deals with all these structures surrounding the eyeball.

Ptosis– Ptosis is drooping of the upper lid. It may be present by birth, or appear later in life. Ptosis is usually corrected by surgery.


Entropion– Entropion is in-turning of the eyelid. The eyelashes rub on the eye and cause pain and watering; treatment is by surgery


Ectropion– Ectropion is turning outwards of the eyelid margin, causing redness and watering (Link to gallery)Lagophthalmos- where the patient cannot close his eye; this can cause danger to the eye, pain and infection.


Eyelid tumors

Lid tearrepairs with grafts and flaps


Enucleation/ evisceration– A highly damaged eye may be replaced with an orbital implant; this restores the comfort and appearance.


Socket reconstruction– where the eye has been removed for a serious disease, the socket of the eye may get shrunken. The socket is reconstructed to improve comfort and appearance


Customised prosthesis

Lacrimal (eye watering) DCR, probing, intubations.