Hospital Facilities

  1. General Ophthalmology
  2. Refraction /  Contact  Lens
  3. Myopia &  Hypermetropia
  4. Computer Vision  Syndrome
  5. Advanced Cataract  Surgery
  6. Zyoptix HD
  7. Corneal Disorders / Transplant
  8. Retinal and  Vitreous  Surgery
  9. Glaucoma /  Medical  /  Surgical
  10. Diabetic Retinopathy
  11. Pediatric Ophthalmology
  12. Neuro Ophthalmology
  13. Occuloplasty
  14. Keratoconus
  15. Laboratory
  16. Pharmacy
  17. Opticals
  18. Eye Emergency  24  X  7


The hospital is equipped with clinical laboratory and has a tie up with Microlab run  by world renowned ocular Microbiologist Dr. Philip Thomas, M.D., PhD. He is also the hospital’s consultant Microbiologist

The hospital is equipped with clinical laboratory and has a tie up with Microlab run by world renowned ocular Microbiologist Dr.P.K.Rath MD., (Path)., He is also the hospital’s consultant Microbiologist.